#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
Abstract Idea ::
1)Using a Binary Trie to store all the opcodes and their corresponding Operations.
We don't know the length of opcode since it could have any number of operands. Hence, doing
try and error is not a good idea (Inefficient). We observe that decisions are made on reading each bit (depending
on whether they are 0 or 1 so Binary Trie is the most efficient way possible(Sort of like decision tree)
2)If we read a 0 => go to left node
3)If we read a 1 => go to right node
4)In the end(that is at leaf node), we get a string which is put into switch-case which executes the required command using
int registers[16], fstatus=-2, fzero=0;
int *a1, *a2, *a3, *a4;
struct node {
int bit; //bit is 0 if its a left child and 1 if its a right child
int type; //type is 0 if node
/*Node is capable to pointing to another node or another instruction*/
struct instruction* i;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
typedef struct node Node;
struct instruction {
/*Instruction is always the leaf node in our data structure of a Binary Trie.
It is used to get a string (name) that will be used to identify the opcode*/
int type; //type is 1 if its an instruction
char name[10];
char machine_code[100];
char format[5];
typedef struct instruction Ins;
Node* getNewNode(int bit) {
Node* temp = (Node *) malloc(sizeof (Node));
temp->type = 0; //To show that its an Inner Node and not a leaf Node
temp->bit = bit; // Shows whether its a left(0) child OR a right(1) child of its parent node
temp->i = NULL;
temp->left = NULL;
temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
Node* head = NULL;
void insertIntoTrie(Ins* temp) //Build a Trie branch the bits after the 8th bit and put the Instruction in it
if (head == NULL)
head = getNewNode(0); //8th bit is always 0 (becomes head)
char *name = (char *) malloc(100 * sizeof (char));
char *mac = (char *) malloc(100 * sizeof (char));
strcpy(name, temp->name);
strcpy(mac, temp->machine_code);
printf("Instruction name is = %s\n", name);
printf("Machine code is = %s\n", mac);
/*Now mac contains the machine code which will be used to create node branches for inserting Ins*/
Node* t = head;
int i = 0;
printf("Inserting:: ");
while (mac[i] != '\0') {
//int value = mac[i] - '0'; // Convert character into number (0 or 1)
printf("%c", mac[i]);
if (mac[i] == '0' && t->left == NULL) {
t->left = getNewNode(0);
printf("New left Node Created");
t = t->left;
} else if (mac[i] == '0' && t->left != NULL) {
t = t->left; // Just go left
} else if (mac[i] == '1' && t->right == NULL) {
t->right = getNewNode(1);
printf("New right Node Created");
t = t->right;
} else if (mac[i] == '1' && t->right != NULL) {
t = t->right; // Just go right
} else
printf("Conversion Problem, value found is = %c\n", mac[i]);
t->i = temp; // Store the Instruction @ the root
Ins* getInstruction(char* mc) {
Node* temp = head;
int i = 0;
while (mc[i] != '\0' && temp->i == NULL) {
// printf("testing %s",mc);
if (mc[i] == '0') //go left
// printf("Go left\n");
temp = temp->left;
} else if (mc[i] == '1') //go right
// printf("Go right\n");
temp = temp ->right;
} else
printf("Wrong value in mc = %c\n", mc[i]);
if (temp->i == NULL) {
printf("Instruction not found!\n");
return NULL;
} else {
return temp->i;
char *getOpcodeName(char* mc) //Using the machine code provided, we find the opcode
Ins* temp = getInstruction(mc);
return temp->name;
char *getOpcodeFormat(char* mc) //Using the machine code provided, we find the opcode
Ins* temp = getInstruction(mc);
return temp->format;
/********SET OF OPCODES*******/
void CMPI(char* mc) {
//printf("Machine code received in CMPI function %s",mc );
void HLT(char* mc) {
//printf("Machine code received in HLT function %s",mc );
int bin2dec(char* str) {
int n = 0;
int size = strlen(str) - 1;
int count = 0;
while (*str != '\0') {
if (*str == '1')
n = n + pow(2, size - count);
return n;
char * getstr(char * q, int start, int end) {
char * p;
p = (char *) malloc(25 * sizeof (char));
int i, c = 0;
for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
//printf("%c", q[i]);
p = q[i];
//p = '\0';
//printf("%s\n",p );
return p;
int main() {
FILE *input_opcode;
char c, c2, c3;
char opcode[100];
char machine_code[100];
char *str1, *str2, *str3;
int num1, num2, num3;
char * ALU = "\0";
int kk = 0;
char **machine_code123 = (char **) malloc(50 * sizeof (char *));
for (kk = 0; kk < 100; kk++) {
machine_code123[kk] = (char *) malloc(100 * sizeof (char));
char format[5];
input_opcode = fopen("input_opcode.txt", "r+"); //input_opcode contains a list of opcodes followed by their format and mac.code
if (input_opcode == NULL) {
/**Observation:: In our ISA, the first 8 bits are unused (always zero), so we will start our analysis from the 9th bit-*/
do {
c = fscanf(input_opcode, "%s", opcode); //Assuming to get opcode as a string in opcode array
c2 = fscanf(input_opcode, "%s", machine_code); //Assuming to get the integer as a string in machine_array
c3 = fscanf(input_opcode, "%s", format);
//now we will create Ins of each opcode
Ins* temp = (Ins *) malloc(sizeof (Ins));
strcpy(temp->name, opcode);
//Name of the opcode is fed
strcpy(temp->machine_code, machine_code);
//Machine code of the opcode is fed
strcpy(temp->format, format);
//Format of the opcode is fed
} while (c != EOF && c2 != EOF && c3 != EOF);
printf("Trie is successfully Created! \n");
/************************************At this point we have a Binary Trie***************************************/
/*Now we will read the machine instructions --> decide which operation they are performing-->perform those operations virtually*/
FILE *mc = fopen("output_machine_code.txt", "r+");
if (mc == NULL)
printf("Machine Code FILE OPENING PROBLEM");
int m = 0;
do {
c = fscanf(mc, "%s", machine_code); //Assuming to get the integer as a string in machine_array
// printf("test");
strcpy(machine_code123[m], machine_code);
// printf("%s\n", machine_code123[m]);
// printf("test1");
// char *fun = getOpcodeName(machine_code); //searches for current opcode in the trie and gives the corresponding opcode
// char *fun = getOpcodeName(*(machine_code123+m));
// printf("test2");
// printf("%s :0: ",fun);
// char *form = getOpcodeFormat(*(machine_code123+m));
// char *form = getOpcodeFormat(machine_code);
// printf("%s\n",form);
} while (c != EOF);
FILE *out_new = fopen("output_new.txt", "w");
int n = 0;
while (n < m) {
// printf("%s\n", machine_code123[n]);
// char *fun = getOpcodeName(machine_code); //searches for current opcode in the trie and gives the corresponding opcode
char *fun = getOpcodeName(*(machine_code123 + n));
// printf("test2");
// printf("%s :0: ", fun);
char *form = getOpcodeFormat(*(machine_code123 + n));
// char *form = getOpcodeFormat(machine_code);
// printf("%s\n", form);
if (strcmp(fun, "ADDI") == 0) {
// ADDI(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 12, 16);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] + num3;
printf(" Instruction :: %d added to the register R%d\n", num3, num2);
// printf("Value of R%d = %d\n",num, registers[num2]);
printf("New value of R%d is %d \n\n",num1 ,registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0000";
if (strcmp(fun, "SUBI") == 0) {
// SUBI(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 12, 16);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] - num3;
// printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
// printf(" Instruction :: %d added to the register R%d\n", num3, num2);
// printf(" Instruction :: %d subtracted from the register R%d\n", num3, num2);
// printf("Value of R%d = %d\n",num, registers[num2]);
// printf("New value of R%d is %d \n\n",num1 ,registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0001";
if (strcmp(fun, "MULI") == 0) {
// MULI(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 12, 16);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] * num3;
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0010";
if (strcmp(fun, "DIVI") == 0) {
// DIVI(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 12, 16);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
if (num3 != 0) {
registers[num1] = registers[num2] / num3;
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0011";
if (strcmp(fun, "MODI") == 0) {
// MODI(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 12, 16);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
if (num3 != 0) {
registers[num1] = registers[num2] % num3;
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "1010";
if (strcmp(fun, "AND") == 0) {
// AND
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] & registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0110";
if (strcmp(fun, "OR") == 0) {
// OR
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] | registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0111";
if (strcmp(fun, "NOT") == 0) {
// NOT
//str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
//num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num2] = ~registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num2]);
if (registers[num2] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "1001";
if (strcmp(fun, "XOR") == 0) {
// XOR
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] ^ registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num2]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "1000";
if (strcmp(fun, "ADD") == 0) {
// ADD(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] + registers[num3];
printf(" Instruction :: register%d added to the register R%d\n", num2, num3);
// printf("Value of R%d = %d\n",num, registers[num2]);
printf("New value of R%d is %d \n\n",num1 ,registers[num1]);
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0000";
if (strcmp(fun, "SUB") == 0) {
// SUB(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] - registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0001";
if (strcmp(fun, "MUL") == 0) {
// MUL(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num1] = registers[num2] * registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0010";
if (strcmp(fun, "DIV") == 0) {
// DIV(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
if (registers[num3] != 0) {
registers[num1] = registers[num2] / registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0011";
if (strcmp(fun, "MOD") == 0) {
// MOD(machine_code);
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
if (registers[num3] != 0) {
registers[num1] = registers[num2] % registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "1010";
if (strcmp(fun, "CMPI") == 0) {
// CMPI(machine_code);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
if (registers[num2] == num3) {
fstatus = 0;
} else if (registers[num2] > num3) {
fstatus = 1;
} else {
fstatus = -1;
if (strcmp(fun, "MOVI") == 0) {
// MOVI(machine_code);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num2] = num3;
printf("%d\n", registers[num2]);
if (registers[num2] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
if (strcmp(fun, "MOV") == 0) {
// MOV(machine_code);
//str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
//num1 = bin2dec(str1);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
registers[num2] = registers[num3];
printf("%d\n", registers[num2]);
if (registers[num2] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
if (strcmp(fun, "CMP") == 0) {
// CMPI(machine_code);
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26);
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
num3 = bin2dec(str3);
printf("Reg : %d %d",registers[num2],registers[num3]);
if (registers[num2] == registers[num3])
fstatus = 0;
else if (registers[num2] > registers[num3])
fstatus = 1;
fstatus = -1;
// printf("\nCMPSTAT:%d\n",fstatus);
if (strcmp(fun, "IN") == 0) {
// IN
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
scanf("%d", ®isters[num2]);
if (registers[num2] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
if (strcmp(fun, "OUT") == 0) {
// OUT
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num2 = bin2dec(str2);
printf("=>OUTPUT VALUE ::: %d\n ", registers[num2]);
if (strcmp(fun, "INC") == 0) {
// INC
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
registers[num1] += 1;
// printf("Increamented value of R%d is\n", num1);
printf("%d\n\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0100";
if (strcmp(fun, "DEC") == 0) {
// DEC
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31);
num1 = bin2dec(str1);
registers[num1] -= 1;
printf("%d\n", num1);
printf("%d\n", registers[num1]);
if (registers[num1] == 0) {
fzero = 1;
ALU = "0101";
if (strcmp(fun, "JMP") == 0) {
// JMP
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
n = bin2dec(str1) - 1;
// printf("JUMPED TO %d\n", n+1);
if (strcmp(fun, "JEQ") == 0) {
// JEQ
// printf("\nJEQSTAT:%d\n",fstatus);
if (fstatus == 0) {
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
n = bin2dec(str1) - 2;
//printf("JUMPED TO %d\n", n+1);
// fstatus = -2;
if (strcmp(fun, "JLT") == 0) {
// JLT
if (fstatus == -1) {
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
n = bin2dec(str1) - 1;
printf("JUMPED TO %d\n", n);
if (strcmp(fun, "JGT") == 0) {
// JGT
if (fstatus == 1) {
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 31);
n = bin2dec(str1) - 1;
printf("JUMPED TO %d\n", n+1);
if (strcmp(fun, "HLT") == 0) {
if (strcmp(fun, "ARRD") == 0) {
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26); // Address of special array register
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31); //Address of the register that contains the size
num3 = bin2dec(str3); // Size of the array register
if (strcmp(str2, "10000") == 0) // A1 register
a1 = (int *) malloc(num3 * sizeof (int)); //A1 declared
if (strcmp(str2, "10001") == 0) // A2 register
a2 = (int *) malloc(num3 * sizeof (int)); //A2 declared
if (strcmp(str2, "10010") == 0) // A3 register
a3 = (int *) malloc(num3 * sizeof (int)); //A3 declared
if (strcmp(str2, "10011") == 0) // A4 register
a4 = (int *) malloc(num3 * sizeof (int)); //A4 declared
if (strcmp(fun, "ARRI") == 0) {
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21); // Array register
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26); //Index
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31); //Value to Insert
num2 = bin2dec(str2); //index
num3 = bin2dec(str3); //value to Insert is in register with this address
if (strcmp(str1, "10000") == 0) // A1 register
a1[num2] = registers[num3];
if (strcmp(str1, "10001") == 0) // A2 register
a2[num2] = registers[num3];
if (strcmp(str1, "10010") == 0) // A3 register
a3[num2] = registers[num3];
if (strcmp(str1, "10011") == 0) // A4 register
a4[num2] = registers[num3];
if (strcmp(fun, "ARRC") == 0) {
str1 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 17, 21); // Array register
str2 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 22, 26); //Index
str3 = getstr(*(machine_code123 + n), 27, 31); //Address of Register in which value to be compared is present
num2 = bin2dec(str2); //index
num3 = bin2dec(str3); //add. of reg. Can be accessed by registers[num3]
if (strcmp(str1, "10000") == 0) // A1 register
if (a1[num2] == registers[num3])
fstatus = 0;
else if (a1[num2] > registers[num3])
fstatus = 1; // if left operand(Array) is greater than right operand (Register)
fstatus = -1;
if (strcmp(str1, "10001") == 0) // A2 register
if (a2[num2] == registers[num3])
fstatus = 0;
else if (a2[num2] > registers[num3])
fstatus = 1; // if left operand(Array) is greater than right operand (Register)
fstatus = -1;
if (strcmp(str1, "10010") == 0) // A3 register
if (a3[num2] == registers[num3])
fstatus = 0;
else if (a3[num2] > registers[num3])
fstatus = 1; // if left operand(Array) is greater than right operand (Register)
fstatus = -1;
if (strcmp(str1, "10011") == 0) // A4 register
if (a3[num2] == registers[num3])
fstatus = 0;
else if (a3[num2] > registers[num3])
fstatus = 1; // if left operand(Array) is greater than right operand (Register)
fstatus = -1;
fprintf(out_new,"Status flag :%d\n",fstatus);
fprintf(out_new,"Zero flag :%d\n",fzero);
if(ALU != "\0")
fprintf(out_new,"ALU Control Signal:%s\n",ALU);
ALU = "\0";
fzero = 0;
// fstatus = 0;
//printf("%d\n", registers[5]);
return 0;
There’s certainly a great deal to learn about this subject. I like all of the points you have made.